Elementary Virtual School

Elementary Virtual School Staff 2023-2024

Grade 1/2/3A_OL
Ms. J. Vlasic

Grade 4/5/6A_OL
Mr. M. Depaulo

Grade 7/8A_OL
Ms. A. Commisso

Ms. M. Medeiros

Ms. L. Rynders-Gula

Ms. S. Castelli

Mr. B. Simmons

Educational Assistant
Ms. T. Bardoel

Mr. C. Agro


On behalf of the Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board Elementary Virtual School staff, I am pleased to welcome you and your child to the 2023-2024 academic year.

The Virtual School day incorporates both synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities as per Ministry requirements.

ELEMENTARY Virtual School Day: 8:35 am – 2:55 pm

Virtual School Start Time: 8:35 am
Morning Recess/Wellness Break: 9:55 am – 10:10 am
Lunch: 11:20 am – 12: 10 pm
Afternoon Recess/ Wellness Break: 1:20 pm – 1:35 pm
Dismissal: 2:55 pm

The ELEMENTARY virtual learning day consists of 300 minutes, with 225 minutes designated for synchronous learning for grades 1-8.

The remaining minutes will be used for asynchronous learning.

Attendance will be recorded at 8:35 am and 12:10 pm each learning day. If students are not present for attendance roll call, they will be marked absent.

Elementary Board Calendar


To report your child’s absence from Virtual School class please contact directly by phone or by email:


Email: remu @hwcdsb.ca